Print bi-Annual meeting meant for the Representatives of-the Catholic Church in European Countries, Who are Involved in Deaf Persons With Pastoral work, To Meet Up and share Experiences, as well as Projects With Difficulties encountered in their respective Countries.
The meeting Was officially opened by Cardinal of Prague Mgr O.P. Dominik Jaroslav Duka, Who ALSO celebrated mass for All-the participants following the St Vitus's Cathedral.
During the-meeting, the-Maltese Representatives thought-the Opportunity to share-the Experiences of-the Malta Diocese With Deaf Persons amongst Which are:-the setting up of a Deaf Ministry Team, a Saturday evening mass in-the Chapel of-the University of Malta interpreted With The Maltese Sign Language, an Interpretation service for thoses Preparing for-the Sacraments, RESOURCES Suchi as new readings of-the-the-the Liturgy of Word and Other Prayers in-the Maltese Sign Language That one can easily access YouTube or on-the Laiko Website.
Other Countries Besides part-taking-the Czech Republic and Poland were Malta, Italy, Holland, Ireland, the-Ukraine, Spain, France, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary.
Was CHOSEN Poland to host a meeting-the third European That Will take place in 2019.
From left: Natalino Spiteri, Fr Martin Micallef, Cardinal Dominik Jaroslav Duka OP and Rita Portelli.
Fr Martin Micallef
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